Pre-Order Policy
Pre-Order Policy
Q: Why should I pre-order a product?
When you place a pre-order with Bump-N-Bite you are guaranteeing first priority from our shipment, when the item arrives. Your items will be shipped as soon as they arrive in stock. You also don’t have to worry about in store purchasing.
Q: Do you require pre-payment for a pre-order?
Yes, all pre-orders are charged immediately. This will essentially guarantee and lock in your product.
Q: What if I order multiple products, both in stock and pre-order?
Orders do not ship until ALL items are in stock. If you placed an order with multiple pre-orders that release on various dates, they will not ship until the last item is in stock. We suggest you order pre-orders separately from each other and from in-stock items.
Q: What if I want to group pre-orders based on the estimated release dates?
This is fine to do, but please remember that they will ALL ship together once the last pre-ordered item is received. We do not in any way guarantee dates as it always depends on when the manufacturers release their products.
Q: Are the availability dates accurate for pre-order items?
Unfortunately, we are given these dates from the manufacturer. As we are sure they would like to release when they say, things happen and sometimes dates are pushed further out. We will do our best to notify you of any such changes.
Q: What if I placed a combined order and one items release date changes?
If an item is delayed beyond a month, please email us and we will do our best to accommodate you. See we can be fair!
Q: What if I want to cancel a pre-order from your site?
Unfortunately, we can not cancel pre-orders. A pre-order locks you in and guarantees your shipment. Please do not order till you are 100% sure that you want the item.
Q: How long will it take to ship out my pre-order once its received in your warehouse?
Most pre-orders are shipped immediately after we receive the item. We do everything within our power to make sure they are shipped right away.
Q: Why should I pre-order from you and not someone else?
It's really simple. We were once, just like you. We are collectors that love the product we sell and want to share as much as possible with others. We take pride in what we do and who we do it for. Our customers, from the past and the present, can attest to the level of service and commitment that we offer to all our patrons.
Note: By placing a pre-order with Bump-N-Bite, you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions stated in the policies above.